Online classes Instructions issued by Hon’ble High Court of Madras And Proceedings of the Director of Matriculation Schools R.C.No. 1401 /A1/2020-2dated: 12.09.2020
The guidelines issued in the Government Order cited, are to be treated and construed as mandatory and, thus, to be adopted and followed by all types of schools in Tamil Nadu
Further instructions in this regard were issued vide reference second cited and are being issued also as given below:
The time limit for the online classes should be strictly adhered to and any violation would lead to action against the erring schools by the competent authorities.
All the Chief Educational Officers should give circulars to all the schools which are affiliated either with Common Board of School Education or with any other Board of Education with an instruction to communicate the following steps to all the parents/teachers of the school to block
obscene contents:
a. Every teacher should be advised to use end-to -end encrypted safe platforms for online classes, preferably.
b. For sending the link of these classes to the students, every teacher conducting online classes shall collect particulars of participating students in the following manner:
i. Name of the student
ii .Email ID used for logging into the online class (if relevant)
iii.Phone number for logging into the online class (if relevant)
iv. The device ID used for attending online class
v. The name/device ID which will appear on screen while attending online classes
c. All online classes should be closed to the select set of students by invitation as a good practice for the safety of students.
d. The teacher shall take detailed attendance once in four weeks to first verify/reaffirm whether the student in (i) above is actually participating with name/ID in (v) above.
e. The teacher shall announce before every class and after every class that any change in (ii) to (v) above shall be communicated to her/his mail ID (to be given), in case of any change in these details any time.
f. The teacher should advice the students not to change any of the details in (ii) to (v) above in normal circumstances while attending online classes and to attend online classes using the details given in (v) above.
g. The teacher should advise/inform all students/parents that posting of any unwanted or obscene content/cyber bullying during or in relation to online/remote education would attract stringent action under section 67 and other sections of the extant Information Technology Act. This will make them aware that such actions are violations of the Law and that they should report such actions for investigation to keep the society safe. This will also make them aware that by complying with (b) above, they are keeping themselves safe and helping the authorities to take action against wrongdoers/hackers.
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1.KALVIEXPRESS வாசகர்கள் அனைவரையும் அன்புடன் வரவேற்கிறோம்..
2.அனைவரும் தங்கள் பெயர் மற்றும் மின்அஞ்சல் முகவரி கொடுத்து தங்கள் கருத்தை பதிவு செய்யவும்..
3.இங்கு பதிவாகும் கருத்துக்கள் வாசகர்களின் சொந்த கருத்துக்களே இதற்கு KALVIEXPRESS எந்த விதத்திலும் பொறுப்பு ஆகாது..
4.பொறுத்தமற்ற கருத்துக்களை நீக்கம் செய்ய KALVIEXPRESS வலைதளத்திற்கு முழு உரிமை உண்டு..